Provided by: Yale Program on Climate Change Communication |Published on: April 27, 2021
Lesson Plans Grades 9-12
In this activity, students will collect survey data using questions from the Yale Climate Opinion Maps and compare the data results with the local data collected by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication.
Students will design a survey, make hypotheses, graph their data, evaluate the accuracy of their data, identify sources of error, and formulate a plan to educate the community about climate change.
The Student Page is an extremely well-designed fillable pdf that leads students through the activity in a step-by-step manner.
The questions require students to think critically about the process of surveying and analyzing data.
Additional Prerequisites
Though the Student Page is a fillable pdf, the two blank graphs are not fillable and must be completed on paper.
Students should be familiar with sources of error.
After the activity, students could design a plan to educate the community about an element of climate change. Students could make posters to put in public buildings, record a short audio piece to play on a public radio station, or make an infographic that can be shared digitally.
In small groups, students could share their hypotheses and results and discuss the similarities and differences.
The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication conducts scientific research on public opinion and behavior. They also engage the public in climate change science and solutions, in partnerships with governments, media, companies, and civil society.
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