Climate Justice Can't Happen Without Racial Justice
Provided by: TED |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 6-8, 9-12
In this TED video, English politician David Lammy speaks about the interconnectedness of racial justice and environmental justice.
Students will learn about environmental racism and the movement to have more people of color in leadership roles in the fight for a sustainable and environmentally just future.
David Lammy uses the slogan, "I can't breathe," to show the connection between the Black Lives Matter movement and environmental justice. He explains that the slogan could bring attention to the prevalence of pollution-related asthma in minority communities.
Students will learn that environmental groups need to be more inclusive, especially at the leadership level.
A transcript of the video is available in fifteen languages.
Additional Prerequisites
Students should be familiar with the Black Lives Matter movement as well as the terms ecocide, colonialism, and environmental racism.
Communications, journalism, and ethics classes could discuss the Associated Press' decision to crop the photograph from the World Economic Forum. Students could also reflect on Vanessa Nakate's response to being cropped out of the picture.
Civics classes could analyze policies in different countries that address the issues raised in this video.
Other resources on this topic include this article on environmental racism, this video on the disproportionately high asthma rates in the Bronx, this video on how systemic racism leads to fewer trees in cities, and this SubjectToClimate Lesson on redlining and environmental racism.
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