Provided by: LabXchange |Published on: February 2, 2024
Videos Grades 9-12, ap-college
This short video describes how a climate tipping cascade occurs when one system in the biosphere is pushed past its tipping point, which influences other systems, resulting in additional systems forced past their tipping points.
The narrator is a professor who gives an illustrative example of a melting Greenland ice sheet adding cool water to the Atlantic Ocean, thus slowing its currents and lowering the amount of rainfall in the Amazon Rainforest.
The narrator also references the concept of a positive feedback loop accelerating the Greenland ice sheet melting.
The professor draws an analogy to tipping dominoes to explain the concept of climate tipping cascades, which should help students visualize the interconnectedness of Earth's systems.
The video builds off another video in which the professor defines climate tipping points and references the same examples of systems, such as Atlantic Ocean currents and the Amazon Rainforest.
Additional Prerequisites
It is recommended to watch the video Climate Tipping Points first to understand some of the narrator's references.
Students should understand scientific concepts and terms such as ice sheet, deforestation, and ocean circulation.
Consider having students gather objects from around the classroom and arrange them on a table in a system so that when they move one or two objects, they affect the others, like in the arrangement of dominoes.
Before watching the video, have students define the term climate tipping point in their own words and ask them to describe some examples.
Choose one of the climate tipping points, such as a changing ocean current or melting of a glacier, and ask students to list all the possible global consequences they could think of relating to the tipping point.
English language learners may benefit from having a copy of the video's transcript in their preferred language.
Scientist Notes
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