This digital lab introduces students to weather and climate patterns as they learn about the physical factors that influence Earth's climate.
Using graphics, NASA animations, and diagrams, students will learn about the three levels of climate drivers, as well as the differences between weather and climate.
Animations, interactive media, and videos are provided to aid student comprehension.
Many optional extensions and additional resources are included for students and teachers.
Frequent check-in questions and short assessments are included.
Additional Prerequisites
Students should already know about the water cycle and understand concepts like solar radiation, uneven heating of the Earth's surface, and convection cells.
Students should be comfortable with reading maps and graphs, and following multi-step directions.
Materials needed include colored pencils, a globe and/or world maps, printed out worksheets, plus materials for the demonstrations stations in part B.
Begin this lab by asking students about their observations about weather and climate at the local level. Ask questions like, "Where do clouds come from and travel to?"
This lab is best suited to be taught in 3-4 class periods, where the total time required for all four parts is 150 minutes.
The part B lab can be completed without an internet connection.
Try pairing this lab with this video explaining the difference between weather and climate, this interactive game that helps students investigate why the wind blows, and this interactive map that displays real-time wind speeds and ocean currents.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
Resource Type and Format
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Technical Education Research Centers (TERC)
Technical Education Research Centers (TERC) is an independent research-based nonprofit organization. They are dedicated to inspiring and engaging learners through stimulating research, materials and tool development, and professional development.