This video by Ecosia showcases an almond farmer in Spain that converted to ecological or regenerative farming practices to improve soil quality and plant health.
It highlights the reasons why conventional farming practices are not sustainable and why more ecologically conscious farming is needed.
The video gives a first-person account of the benefits of ecological farming.
Additional Prerequisites
The farmers speak in Spanish during the video. You may need to pause the video periodically to ensure students have time to read the subtitles when the farmers are speaking.
There may be an ad before the video.
Social studies and economics classes could discuss the benefits of using fewer chemicals and providing more jobs to local communities.
Biology courses could use this video when discussing photosynthesis, limiting nutrients, or the carbon cycle.
Ecosia is the search engine that plants trees with its ads revenue. They have a YouTube Channel that has educational content as well to further their mission: to regenerate degraded landscapes, support rural communities and establish climate justice, one tree at a time.
Related Teaching Resources
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