In this math lesson, students will learn about the evolution of photovoltaics or solar energy technology, determine the costs and savings associated with the implementation of solar panels, and graph the change in the price of solar power over the last 40 years.
Extension materials in the lesson also discuss renewable energy and the grid, electric vehicles, energy storage, and local data and programs.
The multimedia and interactive components of this lesson can increase student engagement.
The use of local data will help students connect solar energy to their lives and local contexts.
Students should know how to write linear equations and identify the slope, intercept, and R-value.
Differentiation & Implementation
After learning about the potential savings for homes in their neighborhoods if they switch to solar, students can create a persuasive presentation for homeowners to inform them of the benefits of switching to solar.
Teachers can split students into groups, with each group listening to a different linked podcast episode and presenting a brief summary of the key points to the rest of the class.
Advanced students can view the video lecture, Danish Wind and Ions, to learn more about energy storage and the barriers to renewable energy use.
If any local business or community member uses solar, teachers can involve the community by inviting them to speak about their experience.
Students can discuss the environmental and climate benefits of using more renewable energy.