Provided by: Prince Ea |Published on: July 30, 2021
Videos Grades 6-8, 9-12
In this powerful video, poet Prince Ea issues an apology to future generations for what we are doing to our planet.
The video fosters a sense of connection to the Earth family, offers a way to hold out our hands in solidarity for the protection of our beautiful planet, and inspires others to take charge.
Activist and artist Prince Ea released this video on Earth Day in 2015 to support the Stand for Trees campaign.
This video highlights deforestation and shares the simple fact that ending deforestation is one of the best solutions to addressing climate change.
The purpose of the video is to raise awareness about the alarming rates of deforestation and the large-scale destruction of our environment.
His message is a wake-up call that may inspire action.
Additional Prerequisites
Students should be familiar with the terms deforestation and climate change.
Students can be divided into groups to work on a project where they design a model, solution, or strategic plan for one of the environmental threats mentioned in the video.
Working in groups, students can look at plans by governments, NGOs, and individual citizens to see how these groups are addressing environmental threats.
Ask students to write down what inspires them most in this video and then write a reflection paper about it.
Ask visual learners to create a graphic organizer or concept map that explains this video.