This interactive report from Stanford Understand Energy provides infographics, charts, and detailed information about actions individuals can take to reduce their personal carbon emissions.
The content is broken into sections: home, transportation, food, clothes, work, and kids, with additional sections for taking bigger steps.
Students with climate anxiety may benefit from this list of actionable steps, using it to feel more empowered to affect change.
The Take Action section can inspire students to participate in larger projects to reduce emissions.
Students should understand the impacts of climate change and how human-induced carbon emissions are the main cause of it.
Some of the links within the article are broken.
Differentiation & Implementation
Before reading this article, students can use a Footprint Calculator to determine the areas they or their families need to decarbonize the most.
Teachers can pair this resource with one that talks about solutions to systemic issues, such as activism or government policies.
After reading this list, students can discuss how it can be adapted for school use. Students can then create posters to inform other students about ways they can decarbonize in school.
Students can choose one strategy from the list to implement for a week or a month and journal regularly about their experience. At the end of the time period, students can create presentations to share their big takeaways with the class.
After reading the section about decarbonizing in the workplace, students can research green careers of their choice. Alternatively, teachers can use this section to segue into a lesson about a specific green career, like this Chief Heat Officer lesson.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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