This interactive map of the United States provides a wealth of information about a large variety of environmental and demographic characteristics that can be explored to create a customized map.
There are seven featured maps to explore that highlight community resilience, green spaces, urban heat islands, water pollution, and more.
The "Time Series" map option allows students to select various greenhouse gas emission scenarios to see the projected effects on temperature, precipitation, and evapotranspiration through the year 2099.
The resource includes additional instructions about using the map tools, selecting different layers, and even adding your own data.
The time series map option would be great to include in any class or discussion about the future effects of global warming and climate change on the weather in the United States.
If you are unfamiliar with GIS maps, you may want to browse through this resource and go through the step-by-step instructions provided.
The map legend must be opened from the toolbox icon near the plus and minus (zoom in and out) in the top-left corner of the map.
To view some of the map layers, users will need to sign in to ArcGIS.
Differentiation & Implementation
Social studies, economics, and civics classes could use the demographic features of this map to investigate their local area and connect demographic information with other environmental data to explore environmental justice issues.
Science and geography classes could explore a variety of topics related to water pollution, air pollution, soils, species at risk, land cover, and carbon storage.
The watershed and rain drop options could be used in a geography or science class to either trace a stream back up through a watershed or follow a drop of rain through a watershed to the ocean.
The EnviroAtlas Change Analysis Tool could be used in social studies and science classes to see the changes that have already happened to temperature, precipitation, and evapotranspiration since 1950.
Other resources related to this one include this Google Earth time-lapse resource about urban heat in Tokyo, this NOAA resource about sea level trends, and this Global Forest Watch interactive global map.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
Resource Type and Format
Related Teaching Resources
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