Students will learn about the habitats, animals, and plants native to Michigan from this website and can use the included activities for coloring and identifying the birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians native to these ecosystems in Michigan.
The resource includes an article, list of species for each habitat, labeled pictures of the animals, a blank coloring page for each, and the Michigan state symbols.
Young students will enjoy the included coloring page and pictures of Michigan species.
Many of the species in the list are hyperlinked to pages that describe the species, making this a great starting point for a student research project.
The article, lists, and images are free to access online, but teachers need to pay for a subscription to download the formatted worksheets.
Differentiation & Implementation
Some students may have enhanced comprehension of the material if teachers also provide photographs of the ecosystems and species mentioned in the article.
After reading the article, students can go to a forest or natural area near them and use an identification guide like this one from Tree Bee, to identify the trees near them.
Teachers can connect this activity to lessons about habitats, biomes, and how climate change affects natural habitats.
Teachers can connect to students' prior knowledge by asking them about their favorite Michigan plant or animal.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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