Provided by: Undecided with Matt Ferrell |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 9-12, ap-college
This video explains and compares the future prospects of powering the world through utility-scale power grids (macrogrids) and small-scale power grids (microgrids or distributed power systems).
Students will learn about the infrastructure, environmental impacts, technology, cost, and politics that are involved in building and using macrogrids and microgrids.
The video also explains how British company, Xlinks, plans to build a renewable energy plant in Morocco that will supply eight percent of the United Kingdom's energy needs.
This video highlights the benefits of communities being more self-sufficient and having a more local mindset.
The video offers a brief description of how power plants supply power to users.
Additional Prerequisites
This video begins with an advertisement and there is sponsored content in the middle at 4:31-5:20.
The video discusses complicated electricity costs that might be confusing for students.
Speech and debate clubs or English language arts classes could debate the benefits of macrogrids vs. microgrids.
Physics classes could use this video after a lesson about resistance, capacitors, and electrical circuits.
Civics, social studies, and economics classes could research and discuss the political or monetary influence that utility providers and non-renewable energy providers have and how it has shaped current policies and infrastructure.
Other resources on this topic include this Vox video on the value of microgrids, this video on producing and storing renewable energy, and this interactive map that shows energy infrastructure in the United States.