Teachers are able to customize the lesson to suit their subject area by selecting which questions to use.
Additional Prerequisites
All the lesson materials are available to download, but teachers must first create a free account with Project Look Sharp.
Teachers should review the "How to Use Materials" section associated with this activity.
For educators in faith-based schools, it is important to check the compatibility with values taught and upheld.
This activity could be used to introduce a debate related to the 1968 declaration of the United Nations, that "parents have a basic human right to determine freely and responsibly the number and the spacing of their children."
Educators can apply this in economics by evaluating the economic impact of population decreases and increases.
Project Look Sharp is a nonprofit, mission-driven outreach program of Ithaca College. Their mission is to help K-16 educators enhance students' critical thinking, metacognition, and civic engagement through media literacy materials and professional development.