In this Nature Lab lesson, students explore the importance of soil and what constitutes healthy soil.
Students will conduct demonstrations to show what the soil provides for people and the planet, watch an interview with a Southern California scientist who works with soil, and write about how soil provides things they use every day.
In the interviews with the scientist, Sophie Parker, her passion for soil and her work is evident as she speaks about biodiversity, soil health, and the importance of soil.
Giving students the task of finding group members by joining puzzle pieces is a unique and creative way to group students.
Younger students may be disturbed by the clip of the decomposing fox in the introductory video.
Before completing the Explore portion, students may need terms from the list defined, especially civil engineer, geologist, and hydrologist.
Many of the links for the timeline resources are either broken or lead to an entirely different website. Timetoast is the only link that is accurate. However, the links for Timeglider and Time Rime go to the same website (Preceden), which also creates timelines.
Differentiation & Implementation
Using mixed media, students can make models of a soil profile. Encourage students to be creative with their representations.
Since Google + is no longer active, students can use their pre-existing classroom media system or a resource like Google classroom to share project ideas.
For the Extend portion, teachers can use this vermicomposter toolkit to create a compost bin, especially since the link to the materials in this resource is broken.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
Resource Type and Format
About the Partner Provider
The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. The Nature Conservancy has grown to become one of the most effective and wide-reaching environmental organizations in the world.