Provided by: Crash Course |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 6-8, 9-12
This video examines how latitude, distance from an ocean, elevation, and population density can impact the temperature of a location and how some cities, like Phoenix, Arizona, will need to respond to extreme heat.
Topics discussed include cultural impacts, urban development, location within a continent, and the specific heat of both land and water.
The video also explains why places like Siberia are very cold.
Equity issues abound as the planet warms. One example is differential heating of rural and non-rural areas. Invite students to consider groups of people facing greater risks as the planet warms.
Siberia and melting polar ice caps are central topics in this video. Challenge students to dig deeper into how changes in both of these locations are contributing to climate tipping points.
The video suggests that the color of surfaces impacts absorption of radiation. Ask them to test this out for themselves. This is a quick, low material activity that can be ideal for students who prefer to move and test ideas.