How Systemic Racism Is Linked to Fewer Trees in Your City
Provided by: NowThis Earth |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 9-12, 6-8, ap-college
This video describes the lingering effects of redlining on tree cover in many cities across America and how planting trees in these areas can help improve human health, save money and energy, and sequester carbon, citing examples in Baltimore.
Students learn about the importance of tree cover in urban areas and the jobs that could be created planting and caring for these city-maintained trees.
The video informs students about organizations like American Forestry and Baltimore Tree Trust.
It emphasizes the need to increase tree cover in affected communities.
Additional Prerequisites
Students should be familiar with the history of redlining and other environmental inequalities that many communities face.
Teachers could use this video to explain connections between social justice issues and environmental issues.
You could show the video from 0:36-1:21 to explain how redlining has led to fewer trees in many communities.
Teachers can facilitate a group activity where students use the Tree Equity Score to explore different cities in the United States.
Social studies classes can use this video to open up a lesson about the role of local governments in addressing both local and global issues that affect their citizens.
Science classes can discuss the health benefits of trees after watching the video and use it as a hook for lessons about photosynthesis.
Scientist Notes
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