Provided by: Be Smart |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 6-8, 9-12
This animated video on overpopulation details how Earth's population has changed over time, why these changes have occurred, and what this might mean for our future.
Increasing women's access to education is described as a key solution to curb population growth in parts of the developing world.
The video ends with a short interview of Bill Gates where he describes the relationship between improving health and curbing population growth.
The video is optimistic when addressing the future health of our population and solutions for curbing population growth.
Women empowerment is highlighted as a climate change solution that also slows population growth.
Additional Prerequisites
There is an ad at the start of the video.
At 5 minutes, 50 seconds the first portion of the video ends and the interview with Bill Gates begins.
The interview with Bill Gates at the end of the video could be used in a health class to discuss life expectancy and the counterintuitive connection between improving health standards and decreasing fertility rates.
The video briefly introduces ethical issues around access to education, wealth inequality, and health in the developing world, which could be expanded on by the teacher.