Provided by: Khan Academy |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 9-12, ap-college
This video explains that there is a direct link between human population growth, our use of resources, and the loss of biodiversity on Earth.
Students will also learn that land-use changes, pollution, invasive species, and resource exploitation lead to decreases in natural habitat and in the variety of species on Earth.
The video nicely illustrates that the Earth contains finite resources that must be shared by all people and all organisms on Earth.
Students will learn how all kinds of pollution (noise, sonar, light) can interfere with biodiversity.
A full transcript of the video is available.
Additional Prerequisites
The video explains that one of the local factors that contributes to biodiversity loss is the introduction of exotic species, but the concept is not explained in this video.
This video was produced in 2014, so some of the figures might not be up to date.
History, English language arts, or economics classes could read Thomas Malthus's Essay on the Principle of Population and compare the problems that Malthus assumed humans would face in the future with the actual problems humans face today. Students could reflect on how technology solved some problems for humans while creating many other problems.
Ethics classes could have a debate about whether or not humans have a right to take up so much of the Earth's resources.
Have students write reflections or opinion papers about why they think other species of plants and animals should have the right to exist on Earth or why they think areas should be protected to allow for biodiversity to exist on Earth.
Other resources on this topic include this video on how to curb overpopulation, this PBS video on the current and historic causes of species extinction, and this video from Our Changing Climate on biodiversity loss.