The resource includes multiple options for assessment, making it accessible for many students to demonstrate their understanding.
There are also many valuable extension opportunities included in the resource.
To see all of the materials and information, including the steps for teaching the lesson, teachers will need to click on the link titled "Land Use Lesson 1: Observing Land Use" and the green View Resource button (or click here).
Teachers may want to purchase or borrow A Bird’s-Eye View by Rand McNally, but this book is optional.
The TerraServer website recommended in the Enhancement section may not work, but students can use Google Earth instead.
Some of the links for additional resources don't work.
Differentiation & Implementation
Students can explore aerial photos of their towns using Google Earth.
After learning about the changes in land use over time, students can research the impact of land use on the environment, finding local examples if possible.
Students can use the aerial photographs to draw a map, including map features like a legend and compass rose.
To extend upon the assessment option that asks students to imagine Shelby Township when they are 15, students can draw what they think a future air photo will look like, identifying changes they predict.
After teaching this lesson, teachers can follow it with Lesson 2.