This collection of lessons focuses on the Great Salt Lake and extreme environments, providing lessons about the water cycle, food webs, biological adaptations, and ecosystem challenges.
Some of the activities include creating condensation, making a bird feeder, testing out different bird beak adaptations, exploring salt deposition, and coloring in a food web.
Students will love participating in the many hands-on activities included.
Extreme environments should be interesting for students to learn about, particularly the adaptations that evolved in the species in those environments.
Before doing the "Wear the Water Cycle" activity, teachers should make sure the cereal is compliant with allergy and dietary restrictions in the classroom. Alternatively, teachers can use colored beads.
Differentiation & Implementation
During the "Wear the Water Cycle" activity, students can draw a diagram of the water cycle and turn it into a key for their different colored loops.
Before doing the activities, teachers can use the included vocabulary lists for word work, writing, word walls, or other vocabulary acquisition activities.
The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. The Nature Conservancy has grown to become one of the most effective and wide-reaching environmental organizations in the world.
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