Provided by: NJ Agriculture in the Classroom |Published on: May 22, 2024
Lesson Plans Grades k-2, 3-5
This collection of seven lesson plans will introduce elementary students to the effects of climate change on New Jersey, farms in NJ, and how they can help.
Students will create models to illustrate the greenhouse effect, sea level rise, and the impact of droughts and floods on plants, then make compost with plant matter from home, learn about adaptations in New Jersey's agriculture, and learn things they can do to stop global warming.
All lessons do an excellent job of introducing new vocabulary in the text, aiding student comprehension.
Students will love the engaging hands-on activities and experiments.
Additional Prerequisites
There is an optional activity in the lessons for students to read part of the book Understanding Climate Change, Facing a Warming World by Melissa McDaniel.
Students should know the states of matter and what plants require to survive.
Some experiments require clay, heat lamps, seeds, and soil.
After doing the sea level rise experiment, older students can research adaptation strategies for coastal communities facing the impacts of the changing shoreline.
If teachers have enough materials, older students can experiment independently or in groups instead of as a whole class.
Students can make community connections by visiting a local farm or their high school's agriculture department.
After viewing the New Jersey Farming and Climate Change PowerPoint, students can research the effect of heat waves on people who work outdoors.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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