Scientists Say Planet in Midst of Sixth Mass Extinction
Provided by: CBS News |Published on: September 22, 2023
Articles/Websites Grades 9-12, ap-college
This article and interview describes how some scientists posit that the Earth is currently in its sixth mass extinction event and includes quotes from scientists and Indigenous fisherman about the unsustainable consumption or alteration of natural resources and habitats.
A solution proposed is to preserve and keep the remaining 30% of wild habitats that have not been taken over by humans, which will require preservation, legislation, monitoring, and funding.
This text quotes expert scientists and presents data to support claims of global threats to wildlife and the sustainability of human populations.
Indigenous perspectives are presented from a first-person viewpoint, in which they discuss their livelihoods and connection to salmon.
Additional Prerequisites
The article is a transcript of the video, but the video at the top of the page requires a subscription to view (it should be available for free on YouTube).
This topic may be triggering for some students, especially those who experience anxiety, so teachers should take care to check in on students' thoughts and feelings when discussing this article.
Students should understand what biodiversity is and the importance of biodiversity in sustaining the Earth's systems and life as we know it.
This article provides opportunities for interdisciplinary study amongst science and civics while students learn how governments must work together to legislate and protect species.
Have students research protected land and endangered species in their communities.
To summarize their learning, have students write an essay defining the biodiversity crisis in their own words and propose solutions to protect wildlife.
Students can further research initiatives such as Thirty-by-Thirty and others to understand how habitat preservation and protection can help save species, improve human health, and fight climate change.