The video introduces students to perihelion and aphelion with a simple illustration.
A full transcript of the video is available.
Additional Prerequisites
The concept is a basic one, but it can be integrated into more advanced topics for older students.
The season simulator moves quickly. Teachers can pause it by clicking the pause icon in the top left-hand corner.
Before watching the video, classes could take a poll to see how many students believe the seasons depend on the Earth's proximity to the Sun.
Science and math classes could use a flashlight and a ball to perform an experiment to measure the surface area of the circle of light when it is shining at the middle of the ball vs. when it is shining at the top-half or bottom-half of the ball.
English language or world language classes could discuss the root words and prefixes of the terms perihelion and aphelion.
Other resources on this topic include this video that shows how the Earth's tilt causes the seasons, this lesson on the relationship between latitude and climate, and this article on how climate change is confusing plants and animals.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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