In this interactive story map, students will read about Echo the Bat as he is born, learns about life from his mother, and migrates through Arizona to hibernate.
Students will follow Echo's journey on a map from his habitat, through Phoenix, the Grand Canyon, Roosevelt Lake, Yuma, and to a cave outside Tucson, AZ where he and his mother hibernate.
The story includes both beautiful illustrations of Echo and real photographs of the environments he visits.
Students will love using the map tool to see the features that helped Echo on his journey.
Though they are introduced in the reading, teachers may want to go over the terms ultrasonic and echolocation with students before reading.
Differentiation & Implementation
To make climate change connections, students can research the impact of warming winters and extreme weather on bats, and also research the ecosystem services bats provide.
Additionally, teachers can discuss the impact of climate change on the Ponderosa pine trees mentioned in the story and can also reference the fire incident in the story to discuss how wildfires impact the animals and their habitats.
To make geography connections, students can create a map of Arizona to illustrate Echo's journey, practicing the use of map features in the process.
Students can create dioramas of the different environments Echo encountered on his journey.