Students can easily visualize warming temperatures using these simple and engaging graphics.
Images can be downloaded for offline use.
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The images are based on the original warming stripes graphics by Ed Hawkins.
This data uses the 20th-century average as the standard reference for the temperature anomalies.
Differentiation & Implementation
These graphics can be used in science classes to visualize the warming trends of a state and compare trends between states.
Elementary science teachers could use these images to introduce the idea of warming temperatures in their state. The images are colorful and easy to understand, which will make them great resources for younger ages.
Cross-curricular connections can be made with art or design classes by challenging students to come up with their own compelling visuals that display climate data.
Warming Stripes are some of the most common climate data visualizations and have been used around the world to raise awareness of global temperature increases. Students can discuss why these images are so effective and compelling. Additionally, students can research how these graphics became popular and the different ways they have been used.
Climate Central is an independent group of scientists and communicators who research and report the facts about our changing climate and how it affects people’s lives.
Related Teaching Resources
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