What Do Warmer Waters Mean for Life Below the Waves?
Provided by: The Climate Question |Published on: September 23, 2022
Podcasts Grades 6-8, 9-12
In this podcast, students will learn that the oceans have mitigated the effects of climate change by absorbing extra heat and carbon from the atmosphere, but that this has taken a toll on marine ecosystems.
Some of the negative impacts discussed include dead zones, species migrations towards the poles, and coral reef bleaching.
The hosts speak with many experts in the field of ocean research and conservation.
The podcast ends on a hopeful note, reminding us that if we act now, it is not too late to prevent some of the worst outcomes for our oceans.
Additional Prerequisites
The ocean-related content ends at 22 minutes, 52 seconds and the remaining segment is about two recent news stories related to climate change.
It ends with an ad for another BBC podcast.
If students live in a community near the coast, they can research how their local ocean ecosystems are impacted by climate change and if there are any conservation efforts underway.
Cross-curricular connections can be made with economics classes by focusing on the impact of warming oceans on the fishing industry or the communities that rely on fishing and eco-tourism.
Civics classes can explore the role of governments and international agreements in protecting the vast areas of open ocean.
Additionally, connections can be made with chemistry classes by investigating ocean acidification, why oceans absorb carbon and heat, and why warmer water holds less oxygen.