This video is about the many ways trees benefit humans and the planet.
It discusses the ability of trees to filter water, stabilize the soil, prevent floods, regulate the climate, and provide food and habitat to people and animals.
It mentions the mental and emotional benefits of trees and forests to humans.
Additional Prerequisites
It may help students to turn on the closed captioning.
There may be an ad before the video.
Science classes could use this video for lessons about photosynthesis, water pollution, air pollution, wildlife habitat, the water cycle, ecosystems, or natural resources.
Social studies classes could use this resource in lessons about Indigenous cultures, urban development, the effects of pollution on certain communities, or city planning.
Ecosia is the search engine that plants trees with its ads revenue. They have a YouTube Channel that has educational content as well to further their mission: to regenerate degraded landscapes, support rural communities and establish climate justice, one tree at a time.
Related Teaching Resources
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