Let's create continuous conversations about climate change education: Spreading the Sediment of Science!

Endangered Animals and Number Sense Lesson

Created by Teacher(s): Emily Townsend|Published on: October 14, 2022
Lesson Plan Grades k-2 Created by SubjectToClimate teachers


In this lesson, students use a base number to compare the numbers of extinct, endangered, and vulnerable species and consider how to help protect animals and plants.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students estimate the number of living things in a group to get a sense of the large number of species in the world.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students write numbers to represent the number of living things on the IUCN's Red List.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students compare and contrast numbers to compare groups of living things, reflecting on how to help living things in their community.
Share: This lesson plan is licensed under Creative Commons.Creative Commons License
Related Lessons, Units, and Activities
K-2 Thumbnails
Subjects: Mathematics
Duration: 1 hour
Region: Global
Posted on Oct 14, 2022

Teaching Materials

Lesson Plan Preview
Accompanying Materials
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips

Teacher Writer

Emily Townsend

K-8 ELL Teacher
