Aug 23, 2022
That’s the bad part. The interesting part is what’s being uncovered in sites across the globe. The dry weather is draining lakes and rivers to super low levels. People are finding everything from sunken ships to dead bodies.
Here is a list of some of the things either re-exposed or discovered due to the dropping water levels:
Photo from Reuters.
How Can We Prepare for Droughts?
Students read an adapted scientific article about climate conditions in Texas and how climate models can help farmers and water suppliers better prepare for future conditions.
Warming Up to Adaptation: Big Bend National Park
This video explains how ecologists, climate change scientists, and park rangers used future climate projections to redesign Big Bend National Park's water infrastructure to accommodate warmer temperatures and more frequent droughts.
Can Beavers Help Mitigate Wildfire and Drought?
This video explains how beavers can help restore habitats, minimize wildfires, and fight droughts.