Let's create continuous conversations about climate change education: Spreading the Sediment of Science!

The Cloud Institute's Education for Sustainability Benchmarks for Individual and Social Learning

Provided by: The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education

What You'll Learn

The Cloud Institute's Education for Sustainability Benchmarks embody a whole system of dynamic and interconnected elements considered essential to educating for a sustainable future: Enduring Understandings, Applied Knowledge and Actions, Higher Order Thinking Skills, Dispositions, and Authentic Place-Based Community Connections.

About the Organization: The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education

The Cloud Institute prepares school systems and their communities to educate for a sustainable future through meaningful content and learner-centered instruction. We are committed to the roles that teaching, learning, and thinking play in contributing to the shift toward a sustainable future. Our work with schools revolves around professional learning, curriculum, instruction, and assessment aspects of Education for Sustainability (EfS). We also provide the strategic planning and leadership development support required for lasting school change.

Date offered:Always
Continuing education credit:Not Available

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