Let's create continuous conversations about climate change education: Spreading the Sediment of Science!

Lesson Plans

3-5 Thumbnails  (7)
Lesson Plan
Students explore animal adaptation and literary genres through a silly book of fiction, then write their own stories.

Inquire: Students make predictions about a fictional book in which wooly mammoths try to adapt to a change in climate.
Investigate: Students listen to the story, identify the genre, order the story sequence, and discuss the plot.
Inspire: Using story sequence, students write their own fictional story about animals adapting to changes in climate.
Grade 3-5
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (8)
Lesson Plan
Students read nonfiction texts about animals and climate and then compare them with a fiction book on the same topic.

Inquire: As a class, students listen to a nonfiction book about animal adaptation and climate and discuss the features of informational texts.
Investigate: Students independently read a different nonfiction book about animal adaptation and climate, take notes, and compare the information.
Inspire: Students create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast a nonfiction book and a fiction book about animal adaptation and climate.
Grade 3-5
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (9)
Lesson Plan
Students learn about Jane Goodall, research other environmental leaders, and identify ways to make a difference.

Inquire: Students identify characteristics of biographies and preview a biography about Jane Goodall.
Investigate: Students read a biography about Jane Goodall, watch a video, and discuss Dr. Jane’s views about the environment, climate change, and hope.
Inspire: Students research other environmental leaders, share their findings, and choose an activity to show ways to make a difference.
Grade 3-5
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

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