Let's create continuous conversations about climate change education: Spreading the Sediment of Science!

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan
This lesson introduces students to the impacts of climate change on the Arctic. 

Step 1 - Inquire: Students learn about the circumpolar Arctic and its geography and explore infographics as a way of conveying information about climate change impacts in the Arctic.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students watch a short video from the youth perspective about the impacts of climate change in one Canadian Arctic community and learn more about how climate change is impacting the Arctic.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students research one of their questions and design an infographic.
Grade 6-8
Subject Geography,English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students learn about the role the sun plays in our daily lives and how solar energy can be used.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students listen and respond to the text Sun Up, Sun Down by Gail Gibbons.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students investigate the different roles that the sun plays in our daily lives.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students create a representation of learning and share the importance of renewable energy.
Grade k-2
Subject Science,Social Studies,English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

In this lesson, students learn some of the impacts climate change is having on the Arctic, hear youth perspectives about the impacts of climate change, and write their own personal climate stories.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students do a gallery walk of infographics about climate change impacts on the Arctic and brainstorm how climate change might affect the people who live there.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students watch a video of an Alaskan youth sharing the impacts of climate on his community, write down key words or phrases that stand out as they watch, and brainstorm a list of components that can be included in a climate story.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students write their own personal climate stories, revise their stories, share their climate stories in small groups, and discuss the differences between their personal climate stories and Nelson’s climate story as a class.

Grade 6-8
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students will learn about trees in the rainforest.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students identify the main idea and details of The Great Kapok Tree and state why the trees in the rainforest are important.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students name the layers of the rainforest and explain trees’ role in the carbon cycle.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students understand the impacts of deforestation and discuss ways to limit the effects of deforestation.
Grade k-2
Subject Social Studies,Biology,English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students are introduced to the wild and wonderful rainforest biome.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students participate in an interactive read aloud of Zonia’s Rainforest.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students locate the equator and tropical rainforests on a map.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students produce a writing and/or art piece showing what they have learned about the rainforest.
Grade k-2
Subject Geography,English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

In this lesson, students learn about the rainforest as an animal habitat.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students participate in a read aloud of Jan Brett’s The Umbrella.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students research a rainforest animal and share what they have learned.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students discover how a habitat provides for the creatures who live there and explore the impact of human activities on animal habitats.

Grade k-2
Subject Social Studies,Biology,English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students explore the intersection of music and climate change, learn about environmental connections in rap music, and create their own original rap songs.

Inquire: Students share fun facts about hip-hop, learn about hip-hop as a cultural and social movement, and view examples of hip-hop intersecting with environmental concepts.
Investigate: Students research a climate change topic and create a class rubric for evaluating student-created raps.
Inspire: Students create and share an original rap about a climate change topic as a means to express their feelings and emotions through music.
Grade 6-8
Subject English Language Arts,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

This bundle contains dozens of ready-to-use Earth Day activities for center work, bell ringers, independent or partner work, early finishers, or take-home projects.

The Elementary Earth Day Activities bundle includes the following resources:
  • Center Activities
  • Fillable Poster and Anchor Chart
  • I Can Help the Earth! Student Reader
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Posters
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Sort
Grade k-2 | 3-5
Subject Science,Social Studies,English Language Arts,Mathematics
Resource Type Bundle

In this center activity, students will design and create a tree using a variety of building materials. Students will also use standard and nonstandard units of measurement to measure and compare their creations.
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Centers/Stations

In this activity, students will practice alphabetic skills while exploring the names of endangered and threatened animals. This resource highlights a small collection of endangered animals and can be a starting point for learning about animals, habitats, and the effects of climate change. 
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Centers/Stations

In this writing activity, students explore the foods they eat and where those foods come from. For example, a student might write that the ingredients in their hamburger come from a farm. This activity is a great companion to a study on food, food production, and food waste. Some key points to teach may include the following:
  • impact of food waste on climate change
  • emissions from food production
  • inequality in access to food, (i.e., food deserts)
  • native vs. imported foods
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Worksheets

In this activity, students will research and write an informational piece about an animal. Students will research the animal's habitat as well as how climate change has impacted the animal.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Worksheets

In this activity, students will count and compare sets of objects from nature after participating in a nature walk. 
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Centers/Stations

Students will use these worksheets to segment and count syllables in compost-themed words.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Worksheets

In this activity, students record their thoughts and feelings after reading or listening to a climate-related text. Students also identify the characters and setting in the book.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Worksheets

In this clip card activity, students will practice counting and operational skills using images of endangered and threatened animals. This resource highlights a small collection of endangered animals and can be a starting point to learn about animals, habitats, and the effects of climate change. 
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Centers/Stations

In this activity, students measure, compare, and order objects found in nature.
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Centers/Stations

Read-Aloud Guides
This activity includes a read aloud guide, anchor charts, and reading response forms designed to be used with Gail Gibbons' picture book Sun Up, Sun Down.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Read-Aloud Guides

This writing activity can be a companion to learning about the important role trees play in the carbon cycle, how trees provide homes for animals, and even city green spaces. Students should think about how deforestation affects not only animals but people as well. 
Grade k-2
Subject Science,English Language Arts
Resource Type Worksheets

In this activity, students use the graphic organizers to respond to stories related to climate change. When considering the beginning, middle, and end of a climate change-themed story, students should focus on how the characters address the problems of climate change in their everyday lives. 
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Worksheets

Varied Content Thumbnails (3)
In this activity, students will practice phonological awareness and phonics skills while exploring the natural world around them. Students are encouraged to observe and identify elements of the natural world while segmenting syllables, isolating phonemes, and spelling words.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Bundle

This bundle of printable math practice worksheets targets numeracy and operational skills including counting, comparing sets, addition, and subtraction. The pages are designed to be used alongside a study of nature, climate, and the world around us.
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Bundle

This activity encourages teachers and students to apply math knowledge to the natural world around them. Students will identify shapes in nature and describe specific shape characteristics.
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Bundle

Varied Content Thumbnails (4)
Curriculum Planning Guide
In this Climate Curriculum Planning Guide, teachers will find examples of lesson plans, activities, and strategies for implementing climate change into Math instruction.
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Curriculum Planning Guide

Varied Content Thumbnails (16)
  • This resource is a calendar of activities for Earth Day 2024 that students can use to learn about, celebrate, and protect the Earth for the entire month of April.
  • Each day has a theme and highlights various resources and activities for different grade levels.

Grade k-2 | 3-5 | 6-8 | 9-12
Subject Biology,Earth and Space Sciences
Resource Type Bundle

  • This bundle features printable name tags, bookmarks, posters, growth mindset cards, certificates, and table signs to support teaching and learning about environmental stewardship.
  • Captain Climate is featured in most of the materials and the name tag slides are customizable.

Grade k-2 | 3-5 | 6-8
Subject Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

  • This Back to School bulletin board and classroom decoration kit provides teachers with printable materials or digital decorations to use throughout the school year as inspiration for climate education and taking climate action.
  • The bundle includes grayscale-friendly visual materials that encourage students to learn more about climate change, communicate what they learn, and take steps to reduce their climate impacts.

Grade 6-8 | 9-12
Subject Science,Social Studies,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

  • These Captain Climate name tag printables include fifteen different images to choose from for customizable student name tags.
  • The name tags can be used for storage spaces, lockers, desks, and chairs.

Grade k-2 | 3-5
Resource Type Bundle

  • These printable learner profile posters feature different images of Captain Climate and statements describing each learner type.
  • Students will be able to identify with many of the statements presented and be reminded of the positive ways they can interact with others.
  • The posters align with the International Baccalaureate learner profile.

Grade 3-5 | 6-8
Resource Type Bundle

  • This word wall printable provides images and definitions for climate-related vocabulary terms.
  • The slides can be used for digital classrooms, classroom decorations, or for online assignments.

Grade 3-5 | 6-8
Subject Science,English Language Arts
Resource Type Bundle

  • This printable bundle includes 16 posters of individuals who support action for the environment, providing an inspirational quote and artistic likeness on each.
  • The posters can be printed and displayed in the classroom or used as digital resources for online classrooms or assignments.

Grade 9-12
Subject Social Studies
Resource Type Bundle

  • These fun Earth Day bundle include a language arts word wall, writing worksheets, coloring and art activities, and math and language packets for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.
  • They provide ready-to-use materials that are interdisciplinary and engaging and inform students about the meaning of Earth Day.

Grade k-2
Subject Science,English Language Arts,Mathematics,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

  • This group of Earth Day resources for students in grades three to five includes a word wall activity, art activities, writing prompts, and language arts activity worksheets.
  • Students will love all of the fun activities associated with nature, the Earth, and celebrating Earth Day!

Grade 3-5
Subject Science,English Language Arts,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

  • These Earth Day resources provide writing prompts that stimulate social and emotional connections to nature, vocabulary cards with images, and art activities.
  • All resources are adjustable, downloadable, and easy to share online, making them a great choice for Earth Day or any other time of the year!

Grade 6-8
Subject Science,Social Studies,English Language Arts,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

  • This group of Earth Day resources provides writing prompts that stimulate social and emotional connections to nature, vocabulary cards with images, and art activities.
  • All resources are adjustable, downloadable, and easy to share online, making them a great choice for Earth Day or any other time of the year.

Grade 9-12
Subject Science,Social Studies,English Language Arts,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

  • This fun summer learning activity sheet will keep your kids engaged all summer long with hands-on activities, art projects, reading and writing activities, educational videos, and games.
  • Play it like Bingo or Tiddlywinks to select an activity, or simply challenge them to complete the whole card by the end of the summer.

Grade k-2
Subject Science,English Language Arts,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

  • This engaging group of activities will keep your kids active and learning all summer long with hands-on activities and experiments, interactive games, reading and writing activities, educational videos, and podcasts.
  • Play it as a game or encourage your kids to complete one row or column each week to get them ready for the next school year.

Grade 3-5
Subject Social Studies,English Language Arts,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

  • This fun summer learning activity sheet is full of hands-on activities and experiments, interactive games, reading and writing activities, educational videos, and podcasts.
  • Keep your kids learning all summer long as they get outdoors and continue to practice their reading, writing, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Grade 6-8
Subject Social Studies,Chemistry,Biology,Earth and Space Sciences,English Language Arts,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

  • This engaging summer learning activity sheet will keep your high school kids learning all summer long with experiments, podcasts, graphic novels, educational videos, and career path discussions.
  • The activities can be completed randomly, as a game, or they can complete the entire sheet.

Grade 9-12
Subject Science,Social Studies,English Language Arts,Health
Resource Type Bundle

  • Use these classroom signs, songs, poems, coloring sheets, and writing prompts to get your students excited about the new school year.
  • There are a number of printable, downloadable, and customizable worksheets, signs, and labels to get your classroom ready and the activities will get your students excited to learn!

Grade k-2
Subject Science,English Language Arts,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

  • Get your students excited for the new school year with this collection of Captain Climate coloring pages, bell ringers, writing prompts, classroom signs, class schedule cards, goal planning sheets, a student survey, and an "all about me" page.
  • There are a number of customizable and printable signs, labels, and worksheets that can be used for a variety of purposes.

Grade 3-5
Subject Science,Social Studies,English Language Arts,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

  • This collection of short writing prompts, bell ringers, planner pages, monthly calendars, goal-setting sheets, a student survey, and coloring pages will help get middle school students ready to start the school year by reflecting on their summer and thinking about what they’d like to accomplish.
  • The slides can be customized, downloaded, shared, or printed.

Grade 6-8
Subject Science,Social Studies,English Language Arts,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

  • This bundle of writing prompts, calendar planning pages, goal planning sheets, a student survey, and coloring pages will be sure to get your students back into the swing of things this fall.
  • The materials can be customized, downloaded, or printed for use in the classroom or as homework assignments.

Grade 9-12
Subject Science,Social Studies,English Language Arts,Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

Varied Content Thumbnails
  • These online vocabulary cards go over useful terms about air pollution, environmental justice, and climate change.
  • The vocabulary terms are defined and accompanied by an illustrative image.

Grade 3-5
Subject Science,Health
Resource Type Bundle

Varied Content Thumbnails (9)
  • This fun and inspiring activity lets students color in various Captain Climate images, print off and color bookmarks, and make a cutout of their ideas to help the Earth.
  • The images in the activity encourage students to be kind, read books, and protect the planet.

Grade k-2 | 3-5
Subject Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Bundle

Varied Content Thumbnails (11)
Using this worksheet, students practice math skills within the context of climate change and rising temperatures. 
Grade 9-12
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Worksheets

Varied Content Thumbnails (22)
Earth Day is a time to celebrate and cherish our beautiful planet while taking action to protect it. This Earth Month Calendar contains a diverse range of engaging and educational activities for the month of April. Each day has a theme and highlights various resources and activities for different grade levels.
Grade k-2 | 3-5 | 6-8 | 9-12
Resource Type Bundle

All resources can be used for your educational purposes with proper attribution to the content provider.