Let's create continuous conversations about climate change education: Spreading the Sediment of Science!

Lesson Plans

K-2 Thumbnails (5)
Lesson Plan
Students discuss animals and their habitats in New Jersey and create animal sculptures.

Inquire: Students identify animals living in New Jersey and the kind of habitats they live in.
Investigate: Students choose an animal that lives in New Jersey and create a sculpture of it.
Inspire: Students discuss solutions to save the animals in New Jersey.
Grade k-2
Subject Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (6)
Lesson Plan
Students look at different habitats, create a diorama, and write an artistic reflection.

Inquire: Students identify different habitats of New Jersey.
Investigate: Students look at images of habitats to help them determine what features to include in their 3D model.
Inspire: Students reflect on how the animals in their habitat might be affected by the changing climate.
Grade k-2
Subject Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (7)
Lesson Plan
Students will learn about climate change problems and solutions, create a comic strip, and reflect on what they can do to make a difference.

Inquire: Students play a game that highlights climate change problems and solutions.
Investigate: Students create a mixed media comic strip about a New Jersey animal, their habitat, and climate change.
Inspire: Students reflect on the process of making a comic strip and share how they feel about making a difference.
Grade k-2
Subject Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

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