Kristen Conroy has been a teacher for 20 years in Northern New Jersey. Born and raised here, she is a true Jersey girl. She has taught elementary school every year and is currently her district's Science Specialist, teaching K-4. When she is not teaching, you can find her at the beach, painting, or at a concert!
Students discuss causes of flooding, investigate types of soil and land, and write about why some places are more likely to flood.
Inquire: Students share what they know about flooding and explore the causes of flooding.
Investigate: Students investigate and discuss landforms and the different types of soil. Inspire: Students apply what they learned about the causes of flooding to create a picture and write an explanation of why this land area would flood easily.
Students read about wind turbines and role-play the parts of community members to learn about the pros and cons of different perspectives in a community.
Inquire: Students view pictures of wind turbines and share what they know and want to know.
Investigate: Students view a map of wind turbines in New Jersey, listen to a read aloud, and discuss the pros and cons of wind turbines.
Inspire: Students role-play members of a community to learn key points and perspectives surrounding wind energy.