Let's create continuous conversations about climate change education: Spreading the Sediment of Science!

Lesson Plans

K-2 Thumbnails (18)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students read and discuss animal adaptations to heat.

Inquire: Students share background knowledge about animal adaptations.
Investigate: Students learn about animal adaptations for extreme heat in an infographic.
Inspire: Students play a game based on the informational text.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (19)
Lesson Plan
In this bilingual Spanish lesson, students use an informational text to learn how to prepare for extreme heat.

Inquire: Students wonder about the effects of extreme heat and share their feelings and experiences.
Investigate: Students learn to prepare for cases of extreme heat through a read-aloud and word study.
Inspire: Students use a combination of writing and drawing to tell how to prepare for extreme heat.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts,Spanish
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (20)
Lesson Plan
In this bilingual Spanish lesson, students will prepare to go on a “field trip” to the beach when it is hot and share their knowledge with their community.

Inquire: Students consider how to prepare for a trip to the beach.
Investigate: Students move through literacy centers to “prepare” for the beach.
Inspire: Students create posters to educate the public about how to prepare for heat.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts,Spanish
Resource Type Lesson Plan

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