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Green Spaces Lesson: Environmental Justice

Created by Teacher(s): Lindsey Pockl, Amber Medina|Published on: September 30, 2021
Lesson Plan Grades 3-5 Created by SubjectToClimate teachers


This lesson explores the benefits of green spaces, how green spaces are disappearing, and how the disappearance of green spaces relates to environmental justice. 

Step 1 - Inquire: Teacher introduces the idea of goods and services. Students brainstorm ideas on how green spaces provide goods and services.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students watch a video on the disappearance of green spaces around the world. Students discuss how this makes them feel. Finally, students watch a video of Jaysa Hunter-Mellers, an environmental activist.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students look at maps to understand that green spaces are not distributed equally in all communities. After learning more about environmental justice, students have the option to write a reflection, draw or write a story, or make a list of ways that green spaces provide goods and services to their community.

Share: This lesson plan is licensed under Creative Commons.Creative Commons License
Related Lessons, Units, and Activities
Subjects: Geography
Duration: 45 minutes
Region: Global
Posted on Sep 30, 2021

Teaching Materials

Lesson Plan Preview
Accompanying Materials
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips

Teacher Writer

Amber Medina

Elementary School Teacher
