Let's create continuous conversations about climate change education: Spreading the Sediment of Science!
In this lesson, students learn how human activities impact watersheds, and what communities can do to keep the watershed healthy.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students think about how they use water in their everyday life and the important role that their local watershed plays in their community.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students complete two hands-on activities to understand how watersheds work and the impact that human activities have on watersheds.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students write a poem, short story, or letter about the importance of watershed health and share it with their local watershed council.
In this lesson, students analyze the song “Broken” by Xiuhtezcatl, then create an art project sharing their feelings about the planet's future.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students listen to the song “Broken,” do a close reading of the lyrics, and reflect on the meaning of the song.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students watch a video and read a short autobiographical statement to learn more about the artist and activist, Xiuhtezcatl.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students create their own art project to share their emotions about the future of the planet.
In this lesson, students learn about the Indigenous first foods of Oregon and discuss the connection between food and climate change.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students read about the Indigenous Peoples of Oregon and learn about their first foods.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students learn about the connection between food and climate change and explore data on the impact of food production on the Earth.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students discover how their food choices affect their personal health and the Earth and choose a positive action to help fight climate change.
In this lesson, students learn how climate change is making wildfires worse in Oregon and across the globe and create a wildfire solution for prevention or preparation.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students brainstorm their relationship with fire, review data on wildfires in Oregon, and reflect on why wildfires are increasing in frequency in Oregon.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students watch two videos and make connections between climate change and wildfires.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students learn about climate refugees, research prevention and preparation strategies, and create a presentation to promote one of these strategies.
In this lesson, students learn the distinct ways of Indigenous peoples, how colonization damaged their lands and natural resources, and generate ideas to repair some of the damage.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students learn about colonization and the dire impacts that it had and continues to have on Native American tribes in Oregon.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students discover which Native American tribe is closest to their community and research the tribe to learn about their history and culture, as well as what life is like for tribal members today.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students reflect on sustainability or environmental problems facing the Native American tribe, generate ideas for how to help support the tribe’s sustainability and environmental goals, and share the information with others.
In this lesson, students will examine the 2020 Almeda Fire in Oregon and explore the disproportionate impacts of wildfires.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students discuss wildfires, wildfire impacts, and climate emotions and explore a wildfire simulator.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students learn about the connection between climate change and wildfires and examine the Almeda Fire by watching a video, reading an article, and answering comprehension questions.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students choose from a menu of action-oriented options to demonstrate their knowledge of wildfires and their disproportionate impact on marginalized communities.